I’m A Ho-Mo, Care to Join Me?
The older I get the more attracted I am to the hirsute male.
How I’m 'maturing' in this area I don’t quite know but now there’s a great reason to go public
and come out in support of boys that
bristle.That is to join everyone who raises awareness of
Prostate Cancer (and other male cancers).
We also need to raise funds to help inform guys about how a man's life can be devastated by such health matters and to provide information resources that are inclusive of the needs of gay and bisexual men.
To make sure that those who work in this area get the
support they need to keep helping men affected by cancer (who
need every bit of support and encouragement we can give to them) there are some fantastic initiatives out there.
Movember is perhaps the most famous
men's cancer fundraiser and they have some wonderful ideas
on how to get people motivated and have fun raising awareness and much
needed cash to support related good causes during November.
Prostate Cancer UK is a charity that is there for men
all year round and they currently want to know how prostate cancer affects men
and their partners too. Also they want to make sure that gay and bisexual men know that their services exist for them too.
Many organisations are starting to realise that they need to be more aware of the needs of different groups of men but at the moment there simply is not enough information for gay and bisexual men
on how issues such as Prostate Cancer affect them personally.
Out With Prostate Cancer is the UK’s first support and
social group for gay and bi men affected by Prostate and other related cancers and I urge you to check them out. They really are are a great bunch of guys.
Now you might think that there’s no need for separate info
for us gays and although I don't want to take away
anything from the fantastic work done by Cancer charities up and down the
country, us Homo’s have to prioritise our own needs.
If you’re a guy who
likes guys then you are more likely than a heterosexual guy to find out that one day, you or your partner will develop issues with your Prostate, even if this doesn’t go on to become
Prostate Cancer .
The problem is that so many Male Cancers from Prostate to
Bowel, to Anal, to Testicular can affect
your personal life,relationships and of course your sexual health and sex life
so guys need to be able to know who to talk to, how to get the right information that meets their needs, where to get checked up, who provides the best and most appropriate
support and how to find the best treatments when we need them.
Much of the information available at the moment is aimed at heterosexual men, as are the support groups and gay and bisexual guys really do need someone to talk to who understands what they are going through as men who are having their own difficulties coming to terms with life before during and after cancer.
It's tough for anyone having to go through this but when your consultant, GP, nurse, cancer specialist whoever, just doesn't know how to talk to you as a non-heterosexual man then where do you go to to find the information you need? Where is the information to find out how surviving cancer will affect you as a gay/bi guy?
You want to talk with other gay and bisexual men and you need to find out how other gay and bisexual men have coped/are coping, and living with these health issues when their relationships and sex lives have had to change because of how cancer, treatment, medications and surgery have affected their lives.
Currently there just isn't enough of this specific information around but we know that a lot of guys really need it and they need it today.
That’s why I’m braving face and preparing to Grow a ‘Ho-Mo’
for November to help raise funds so that
The Lesbian & Gay Foundation can provide information and support to
gay and bisexual men who just need to
talk to other gay and bi guys about this issue.
We need to share knowledge on how some cancers affect gay and bisexual men differently and to prioritise the support networks available to gay and bisexual guys.
We need to share knowledge on how some cancers affect gay and bisexual men differently and to prioritise the support networks available to gay and bisexual guys.
Now I’m prepared to look like a reject from Village People auditions but
that's nothing compared to what men dealing with Prostate Cancer have to go through.
Please support the following cause if you can or why not
join in and we can get all Fuzzy together? It could open up a new Ho-Mo world for all of us!